Please follow the instructions as shown below in order to install ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp on your Mac.
Here we try to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the free trial of ChatMate Pro.
The specific price will be shown in your country's currency before you activate the trial. However because transparency matters to us, we want to give you an idea of the prices.
Depending on the chosen feature tier and billing cycle (monthly or annually) the price will be as follows:
Feature Level | Plus | Max | Ultra |
Monthly | $ 0.99 / month | $ 2.99 / month | $ 8.99 / month |
Annually | $ 9.99 / year | $ 29.99 / year | $ 89.99 / year |
Feature Level | Plus | Max | Ultra |
Monthly | $ 1.99 / month | $ 5.99 / month | $ 17.99 / month |
Annually | $ 19.99 / year | $ 59.99 / year | $ 179.99 / year |
You can simply cancel your subscription by clicking the Cancel subscription button in the Manage Subscription section of the ChatMate Pro for WhatsApp preferences.
In general subscriptions renew automatically in the last 24h before they expire. This means that you should cancel a subscription more than 24h before it is about to expire in order for the cancellation to become effective before the next billing cycle.
Here is an example to explain the process:
Say you want to cancel your subscription and it is due for renewal on September 09th at 09:09:00. In that case you should cancel your subscription anytime before September 08th at 09:09:00 in order to avoid triggering another billing cycle before your cancellation gets effective.
You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time by opening the preferences inside the App and choosing Manage Subscription.
Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions regarding the upgrade process.
Our support will be happy to assist.