Privacy Statement

Welcome to ChatMate by Bastian Roessler. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as you agree to be bound by it while using this website and the various ChatMate apps.

ChatMate is a product by Bastian Roessler, registered in Rauenberger Str. 68, D-69234 Dielheim, Germany.

This Privacy Policy and any documents it references, inform you on how we collect and use the information („Personal Data“) you provide when using this website and the various ChatMate apps. We are fully dedicated to protecting your privacy and we are treating your data confidently and within the requirements by law and the description of this privacy statement. We appreciate the trust you place in us.

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. When we do, we will update the „Last Updated“ date. It is therefore important that you regularly review this Privacy Policy to ensure you are updated as to any changes.

How do we collect personal data?

The Personal Data we collect is essential in helping us to provide an excellent overall experience for our customers.

On our website

  • When you sign up to receive our newsletter a profile is created which can include your eMail and your name as well as the product that you are interested in (e.g. ChatMate for WhatsApp). If you have given us consent, we may send you occasional development updates and marketing communication about our products. If you change your mind, you can update your consent or email preferences at any time using the link provided at the bottom of each email you receive from us. The basis of the collection of this data is due to your explicit consent (Art 6 1 a DSGVO).
  • We may use „image tracking“ to ascertain whether you do or do not read our emailed marketing messages. It is worth remembering that all our marketing communications include full information on how to unsubscribe from receiving future messages. The basis of the collection of this data is due to your explicit consent (Art 6 1 a DSGVO).
  • When you send us a message via our provided eMail address or via the contact section of this website we will store the name and the eMail address as well as your question in our system in order to answer your request. The basis of the collection of this data is due to your explicit consent (Art 6 1 a DSGVO).
  • When you make a purchase via this website all personal data that you enter during the checkout process are handled by our partner Paddle Inc. In this case Paddle Inc. acts as a „Merchant of Record“ and will be your contractor. Paddle Inc. will share the data that is necessary for us to fulfil this contract, like your Name, eMail, date and time of purchase, … with us as allowed by law (Art 6 1 b DSGVO).

With our applications

When using the ChatMate applications a usage profile is created, which is stored on our servers. This profile is used in order to protect our intellectual property, in order to prevent fraud and software piracy and to guarantee the security of our systems. (The basis for the collection of this data is Art 6 1 f DSGVO).

Thereby the following information may be collected:

  • a randomly generated ID
  • an ID that is bound to the device you are running the app on
  • your license key and/or other licensing information
  • the date/time of first launching the app
  • the date/time of last launching the app
  • your IP address when last launching the app
  • a number that indicates how often you have launched the app
  • the version of the app that you are currently using
  • rough IP-based geographic information
  • info about your device: device type and generation, operating system version

Important: ChatMate never transmits your address book, chat contents, contact information or media attachments to us. Chats and chat data are handled directly by WhatsApp Inc. (ChatMate for WhatsApp) and Facebook Inc. (ChatMate for Facebook). When using our apps you agree to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies of WhatsApp Inc. ( and Facebook Inc. (,

Depending on the merchant that you have obtained your copy of ChatMate from (Paddle, Setapp or Apple), the respective merchant acts as “Merchant Of Record”. This means that the merchant may store additional personal data as explained in their respective privacy policies. This is done in order to fulfil the purchase process and the merchant might share some of this information with us without your explicit consent solely for the purpose of licensing and support as allowed by Art 6 1 b DSGVO. If you choose to provide consent, the merchant might share your contact details with us to be used for marketing purposes (Art 6 1 a DSGVO).

When using a free version of ChatMate, additional data is collected by Google Inc. as the App uses Google’s Admob service for displaying ads. You can find detailed information about what kinds of data is collected by Admob in the Google Privacy Policy ( The collection of this data is necessary to finance the development of the product and is therefore covered under Art 6 1 f DSGVO. Should you prefer not to have this data collected, please choose a paid version of ChatMate. All paid versions do not use any Google Admob services.

How long will the personal data be stored?

We will retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purpose set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your personal data to the extend necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

How can you claim your rights regarding your personal data?

If you want to make use of your rights regarding your personal data, like data portability, data correction or your right to be forgotten, please eMail us at Please do not forget to provide your eMail address as well as your name and product keys (if applicable).

For the protection of all our customers, we will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal data we may hold about you and we will aim to respond to such requests within 20 working days.


Some versions of the ChatMate Apps may send usage information to a privacy-first analytics service called TelemetryDeck (see TelemetryDeck's Privacy Policy: This information is NOT personally identifiable and provides information on the number of times the Apps have been launched or counts of when certain functions within an App have been used. This anonymous information is used only by the developer to help improve the Apps over time based on how they are being used.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on to your computer via your web browser when you visit a website. Cookies are used to save certain information and are only used to store data. They are not used to do anything harmful like start a process or infect your computer.

What cookies do we use?

There are number of cookies that are stored as soon as you visit our website. Some are from us and are necessary for certain functions of the website, and others are from third-party websites such as our sales partner Paddle Inc.

Cookies used on this website

PHPSESSID: Enables the webserver to identify your browser while you browse through the various sites of this website. This cookie is deleted at the end of your session. The storage of this cookie is based on Art 6 1 f DSGVO.

Third-party cookies

Paddle: Any sales made through this website are actually processed by our partner Paddle Inc. For the checkout process to work and to be able to provide you with a pleasant purchasing experience (like temporarily storing the content of your basket for example), Paddle Inc. may store multiple cookies on your system as explained in their privacy policy ( The storage of these cookies is based on Art 6 1 f DSGVO.

Removing cookies

Cookies don’t stay around forever and your web browser will eventually delete them. When a website stores a cookie, it states how long the cookie should stay on the computer for – this can be for the current visit only or for a period of time, for example one week. Our main cookie PHPSESSID only stays on your computer while you are on our website. It is automatically removed when you leave our website.

You can choose to delete our, or any website’s, cookies from your web browser at any time (for help on how to do this, go to You can also set your web browser to not accept any cookies if you wish. You will still be able to view our web site, but some features of this website might not be available in this case.


If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy and how we handle your personal data, please don’t hesitate to contact us via

Updated 01.05.2024